Every Muslim should believe in genies — after all, they are mentioned in the Quran. These creatures live in a parallel, invisible world. According to theologians, genies can possess people and harm them. Someone does it out of resentment or fear. Others fall in love with a person and prevent him from finding a mate. Finally, some genies are servants of the dark forces. After all, even Iblis himself was a genie. Reading the Quran inflicts
the possessing genie unbearable discomfort. On this
the principle of work of Islamic exorcism is based. If the patient
reacts negatively to the recitation of sacred texts
- he screams, suffers from pain, loses self-control
- then he is possessed. Now the task of the exorcist is to make the genie reveal himself, enter into direct communication with him and to convince him to leave the patient. From the outside, it resembles negotiations with a terrorist who has taken a hostage.
The project shows two clinics of Islamic medicine.
One is small, in the mountains of Chechnya. It is visited by 5-7 people every day. The second is popular in the Southern Dagestan. More than a hundred patients come here every day.